The steam rises from his cup of oolong up towards his bespectacled eyes. No detail, no matter how small, escapes his attention. He would be the first to tell you that there is no such thing as mastery in his field. But to those of us on the outside, his pursuit of perfection looks pretty close. We see him solving the world’s problems one cup at a time– and always doing so with an air of refined wisdom. You’ll find that same sense of refinement and seriousness in the decoration on the bridge of this meticulous pair.
The steam rises from his cup of oolong up towards his bespectacled eyes. No detail, no matter how small, escapes his attention. He would be the first to tell you that there is no such thing as mastery in his field. But to those of us on the outside, his pursuit of perfection looks pretty close. We see him solving the world’s problems one cup at a time– and always doing so with an air of refined wisdom. You’ll find that same sense of refinement and seriousness in the decoration on the bridge of this meticulous pair.
If you’re looking for a pair of robust glasses that won’t break but still look subtle and sleek, titanium is the right choice for you. The iron ore-based material is extremely stable, yet flexible and corrosion-resistant. It’s used particularly in space travel and surgery. Our titanium frames combine avantgarde design with precision craftsmanship. The rather industrial touch of the design creates an interesting urban contrast to the natural look of our wooden eyewear, bridging the gap to our watch collection.